This is the best overview of holistic methods of healing and the balance between the body's organs and systems that I have ever read. Silvia Casiabianca is to be commended for her knowledge, insight, and ability to explain it all in a beautiful way that also just makes sense. I recommend Regaining Body Wisdom book highly.
By Carlene Thissen
I recommend this book highly
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With Rhonda Schladand and Tobey Burton
6 FL CEUs for counselors, LMTs, Nurses and more (please ask) Cebroker: 20-538780
Saturday, Jan 28 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
$95 if paid before Jan 13th
On Friday January 27 we will have a free intro to Family Constellations. 6 -7:30 p.m. Coach Rhonda Shladand & Tobey Burton will discuss Hellinger’s method to breaking limiting emotional and family patterns as an alternative therapy drawing from family systems, existential phenomenology and Zulu’s family relationships. If you're not familiar with FC, this is the opportunity to learn about it and meet the facilitators.
Please let us know you're planning to come.
Saturday, January 28
Family Constellations Workshop. 10am-5pm - NOTE: Unless you're looking for continuing education credits, you can attend for just the morning (10 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.) or full day.
6FL CEUs for LMHC, LMFT, CSWs, Nurses and LMTs.
With Tobey Burton MS & Coach Rhonda Shladand. Identify and release unconscious limiting emotional and family patterns. Live more fulfilled life. Break free from past entanglements; find new ways of giving/receiving love. 9200 Bonita Bch Rd, #204. Bonita. $95 if paid before January 11/ $125 thereafter.
If you're coming only for the morning, you pay $65
Limited space – RSVP 948-9444. EyesWideOpenCenter.com
Meaningful relationships are central to enjoying life. This workshop explores how our various ways of belonging and obtaining love in our families when we were children are at the root of present day difficulties ie; feelings of isolation, anger, fear, sadness, shame... and prevent us from enjoying our lives to the fullest.
This group experience will have participants witnessing how intergenerational forces behind current concerns keep people stuck in never ending patterns. But in a Family Constellation workshop, patterns could be revealed and new possibilities for support and a direction forward, appear.
Family Constellation work takes place in a group setting. Three levels of participation are offered: representing, constellating and supporting. No knowledge or experience of the work is required. Confidentiality is granted and people can come as observers or fully participate in the exercises.
The founder of this work, Bert Hellinger, studied and treated families for more than 50 years. He observed how people tend to unconsciously "take on" damaging patterns that manifest with symptoms of anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, aloneness, addictions and unhealthy ways of "belonging" in our families. The results of these workshops have often been life-changing.
Originally a therapy and counseling method, it now covers a wide variety of consulting and therapy issues. Instead of analyzing, the self healing power of the whole system of a participant is activated. The method has been well known in Germany for 20 years and has spread worldwide. As participants work on themselves, it may benefit other souls involved. Topics may include illness, pain, depression, fear, destructive behavior, trauma, social problems, decision making, management issues, personal and spiritual development, abundance and ancestral patterns.
Have you heard about the morphogenetic field? This theory developed by Rupert Sheldrake might explain why Family Constellations have proved to be such an effective method to help people with family issues.
Tobey Burton, MS, OTR/L
A pediatric occupational therapist from Louisville, Kentucky, Tobey moved to Florida last year after for 30+ years working with families and children with various disabilities.
Tobey has trained in Matrix Groupwork, Women within group dynamics and has facilitated empowerment support groups. She is excited to bring the Hellinger Family Constellations dynamic treatments to Florida.
Rhonda Schladand LMT., and Life Coach is a facilitator and trainer of Hellinger's work. She has also trained in Hakomi and Matrix Groupwork and has held a successful massage therapy practice since 1994.
A founding member and past president of Woman-to-Woman Kentuckiana, she facilitates empowerment support groups both locally and internationally.
She also co-developed The Games We Play workshop.
As a co-founder of the Center for Visionary Studies; www.centerforvisionary.com, she has been able to develop and educate how to support change and challenge in each other, to live a life of integrity and authenticity.
1. Who did the facilitators train with?
Tobey and Rhonda trained with Suzi Tucker and Mark Wolynn in Louisville, KY. Rhonda also trained directly with Bert Hellinger (the founder of Family Constellations).
2. Why should people come to this workshop?
If an individual continues to observe repeating relational patterns in their life that interfere with their wellbeing, or find it difficulty breaking destructive family patterns, Family Constellations can often become a catalyst for breakthroughs.
3. What would people get from the workshop?
Athough it will be an introductory level, workshop attendees will understand the concepts of a Family Constellation and its usefulness for themselves and their clients if the attendee is a therapist.
Family Constellation work is described as a process to assist with breaking destructive family patterns. Results are often immediate and life changing.
4. Would therapists attending the workshop be able to apply what they learn right away in their practice?
They would be able to begin using some of the basic skills and basic exercises with their clients
5. By the end of the workshop the participant should have learned or experienced?
1. Family Constellation basic concepts
2. The differences between family and organizational constellations
3. Identifying appropriate issues to address through family constellations
4. Exercises for understanding family order, observing the family unit dynamic, and ways of resolving imbalances within the individual
5. Constellations for several willing participates
Call Eyes Wide Open for more information: (239) 948-9444 - No registrations at the door. Seating is limited. If you want to grant a place in the workshop, please register in advance.
Silvia Casabianca brings her experience as a medical "jungle doctor" in Colombia to her deep knowledge of alternative medicine. The result is the best book I have read about Reiki, and other alternative medical approaches, which is very wise, not riddled with useless dogma, and centered in her continuing appreciation of what science has taught us. Definitely 5 stars.
By Roger Dunwell
Definitely 5 stars