HERE YOU CAN FIND LINKS TO RELEVANT WEBSITESAQUI PUEDE ENCONTRAR ENLACES A PAGINAS DE INTERES PARA SU PROFESIONClick above to go to the Florida Statutes page. Regulation of occupations and professions is in Title XXXII. There you can find the definition of your profession, which will give you your scope of practice. Haga clic en el enlace para ir a la página de los estatutos de Florida.
El Título XXXII (Título XXXII) lo lleva a las profesiones reguladas en Florida. Cada profesión tiene su capítulo donde usted encontrará la esfera de competencia de su profesión Atention Licensees!
As of January 1, 2004 CE Provider applications and renewals should be submitted electronically to the Department of Health at www.cebroker.com. For more information clic on the link below Atención profesionales licenciados! A partir del primero de enero de 2004, las solicitudes de licencia y renovación de licencia deben presentarse electrónicamente a través de Cebroker. Para saber más haga clic en el enlace Click on the link above to go to the FAQ about Cebroker and learn how to report and keep track of your CEUs.
Haga clic en el enlace para aprender qué es Cebroker y cómo es obligatorio que sus créditos de educación continua sean reportados a Cebroker. Licensees can search for classes on CEBroker and also check if, after taking a class, their credits have been appropriately entered.
Los licenciados pueden usar este link para ir a CEBroker y confirmar si sus créditos por clases recibidas han sido publicados. If you want to know more about Health, Wellness and Reiki go to the page above
Si quiere saber más sobre Salud, Bienestar y Reiki, vaya a esta página Click on the link to go to the NCBTMB website Haga clic en el enlace arriba para ir al portal del NCBTMB Search for a licensee in Florida Busque un licenciado en Florida The above page will give you information on an alternative view to AIDS
Esta página le da una visión alternativa sobre SIDA In the page above you can find information about AIDS
En esta página usted puede tener información sobre el SIDA de acuerdo a la versión oficial. MASSAGE SCHOOL LISTING El enlace arriba lo lleva a un listado de escuelas de masaje MQA Information on regulated professionsThe link above will take you to the Medical Quality Assurance page where you can find almost any information that you need about professional regulations in Florida
Haciendo clic en el enlace arriba usted puede ir a la página del Medical Quality Assurance, donde puede encontrar toda clase de información sobre las regulaciones profesionales en el estado de Florida American Association of Massage Therapy code of ethicsThis link will take you to the American Association of Massage Therapy Code of ethics
Haga clic en este enlace para ir al código de ética de la Asociación de Masajistas de Estados Unidos (AMTA) AMTAThis link will take you to the American Association of Massage Therapy website
Haga clic en este enlace para ir a la página de la Asociación de Masajistas de Estados Unidos (AMTA)
Click here to read the AMTA code of ethics.
Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy & Mental Health CounselingThe Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling licenses and regulates clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, and mental health counselors who meet the statutory requirements for safe practice in Florida. Chapter 491, Florida Statutes governs the practice of CSW/MFT/MHC, including interns, in Florida. Rule Chapter 64B4, Florida Administrative Code are the rules that define the Boards policies.
Association of BodyworkersThis link will take you to the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP) website
Haga clic en este enlace para ir a la página de la Masajistas y Trabajadores corporales asociacions (AMBP) ADA WebsiteWith nearly 65,000 members, the American Dietetic Association is the nation's largest organization of food and nutrition professionals.
La Asociación Estadounidense de Dietistas es la organización más numerosa en la nación para los profesionales de la nutrición. American Electrology AssociationThe American Electrology Association (AEA) is the largest international not-for-profit membership organization. The AEA (Click above to go to their website) promotes the highest standards in Electrology education, practice and ethics and champions state licensing and regulation of the profession to protect the public interest. The Association plays a key role in providing reliable and scientifically accurate information to its membership, the public, the medical community and government agencies.
Para conocer más sobre la Asociación de Electrólogos haga clic en el enlace. National Association of School PsychologistsThe National Association of School Psychologists (Click above for their website) represents and supports school psychology through leadership to enhance the mental health and educational competence of all children.
American Association of Oriental MedicineClick above to go to the American Association of Oriental Medicine's website.
Florida State Oriental Medicine AssociationFSOMA provides educational opportunities to its members including annual State and national conferences.
American Podiatrist Medical AssociationAPMA advances and advocates for the profession of podiatric medicine and surgery for the benefit of its members and the public.
Athletic Trainers AssociationThe mission of the National Athletic Trainers' Association is to enhance the quality of health care provided by certified athletic trainers and to advance the athletic training profession.
FSMTAFlorida State Massage Therapy Association Website. Massage Therapist can buy their malpractice insurance through the association. A través de la Asociación se puede adquirir el seguro de mala práctica para masajistas.
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