(3) Effective for the biennium beginning September 1, 2001, the continuing education contact hours shall be in the following areas: (a) At least 12 continuing education hours shall be relevant to and focus on massage therapy techniques, which may include history of massage therapy, human anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, and/or pathology. As of September 1, 2007, the 12 continuing education hours shall be taken via live classroom instruction which includes hands-on instruction or demonstration, 6 hours of which may be performed as pro bono services pursuant to Rule 64B7-28.0095, F.A.C. (b) Except as provided in subsection 64B7-28.009(1), F.A.C., two hours must be obtained in a course relating to the prevention of medical errors, two hours must cover instruction in professional ethics and two hours must cover instruction in the laws and rules of massage therapy, including Chapters 480 and 456, F.S., and Rule Chapter 64B7, F.A.C. Up to 4 hours of continuing education credit for professional ethics and laws and rules may be earned on an hour for hour basis by physically attending Board meetings, provided that: 1. The licensee signs in with the Executive Director of the Board prior to the beginning of the meeting; 2. The licensee remains in continuous attendance at the meeting; 3. The licensee signs out of the meeting with the Executive Director of the Board in a pre-arranged time and manner. 4. The licensee does not have a related discipline or licensure matter on the agenda for the same meeting day. (c) The remaining hours may include courses on communications with clients and other professionals, insurance relating to third party payment or reimbursement for services, psychological dynamics of the client-therapist relationship, risk management, including charting, documentation, record keeping, or infection control (other than the HIV/AIDS course required by Section 456.034, F.S.), or massage practice management. The remaining hours may also include up to 4 hours credit for adult cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR), provided the course is sponsored by the American Red Cross, the American Heart Association or the American Safety and Health Institute, or is instructed by persons certified to instruct courses for those organizations.
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