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Classes approved in FL for CEUs
18 FL CEUs
Pre-requisite: Reiki Level I
(RVSVP: 239 948 9444)
March 9, 2024 (part I) and (date to be announced for part II), 2024
8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
18 CEUs for Nurses, LMTs, Midwives, Dietitians
This retreat is for those who have completed Reiki Level I and is designed for you to complete your training as a Reiki Level II practitioner. It is part of your required training to become a Reiki Master.
In Reiki Level II you go a step further and explore how to free yourself from limiting beliefs, those that hold you back and stop you from living life at its fullest.
Reiki II is focused on the mental and emotional dimensions and you learn three symbols that work as energetic keys opening doors to other dimensions. One of these symbols is used for distant healing.
I believe in student-centered education where one learns according to own pace and interests. The teacher is a facilitator of your process, a temporary aide while you find your inner master (or if you already found the master, a facilitator for those times in which your master decides to go silent). It is a highly individualized journey. Each one of us holds different expectations and backgrounds. Each of us has different goals and pace. We need to follow our intuition, set up our priorities, know how deep we want to immerse in our quest. We make no comparisons and there is no "one right way."
After Reiki II you're ready to pursue mastery. However, Reiki Level III, the master level, requires much more than just a weekend retreat. From former experience, I have come to believe that although REIKI III can be formally "achieved" by just receiving attunements from a Master, which takes only a few minutes, mastery is a soul path where you evolve by living a transformational process, until you discover who you really are and learn to master your own life. This process requires commitment, time and dedication, and it demands practice, inquiry and guidance. You want to be well equipped for the tasks that lay ahead.
During this weekend, I will provide details about the process of becoming a master.
This retreat will be mostly experiential and we'll make the time to discuss any questions that time allow us to cover.
Please call (239) 948-9444 for details
Reiki Trade Day - Reiki practitioners who'd like to participate in this class can do so, and here is the deal:
If you are a Reiki Level II practitioner or higher who'd like to take Silvia Casabianca's class you only pay $55 for ther reattunement (Plus a $25 administrative fee if you need the CEU credits). Great opportunity to give and receive, take some time for yourself, meditate, relax, look for insights that may enrichen your life.
Please confirm attendance and bring only healthy food to share.
This wonderful weekend class if for you if you:
1. Have reiki level I and want to enter the Reiki mastery path.
2. Want to deepen your reiki experience
3. Want to learn how to eliminate limiting beliefs that hold you from experiencing a fulfilling life
4. Want to learn distance healing methods
5. Want to increase your consciousness
6. Want to have a deeper, meaningful relationship with self, others and the world, and experience deeper compassion
7. Want to learn Reiki symbols that will help you focus the Rei energy for deeper results
8. Want to learn more about how to shift from the ego to the soul perspective
9. Have already been trained in reiki level II but want to retake the class (and maybe need the credits?)
Register before February 20th and save
Special price offering: $195